
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Mock for Success

I once was told to be need to see how others became successful and see how they did it.  Granted like everything results may vary...based on the person.  A couple of weeks ago, I was introduced to Monster Man and it helps you understand the workings of practical special effects.  Granted in Monster Man, they all get over dramatic because they're on TV.  It is like Restaurant: Impossible...Chef Irving gets all crazy and dramatic and in the all works out.
Same difference in Monster Man, but the thing is that caught my eye was the first episode when they made the 2-headed shark for "The Asylum" film production company.  They do everything from pre-production to distribution of their movies.  After that...I noticed on Syfy there is a shit load of movies made by "The Asylum" crew.
I researched them.  I researched the movies they made because they are dubbed "mockbusters"...somehow they get wind of the movie that is in going to be released and they copy and even having a mirrored title.  Granted their movies are horrible.  The acting is bad...the writing is bad.
The difference between a Hollywood A-list and the B-list crowd is several things....script...acting...filming.. and directing.  You can have some Indie film companies that make really great A-list quality shit, because the director is a fucking perfectionist....they made sure the script is awesome and the acting is awesome....they make sure everything is awesome.  So how does the "The Asylum" group turn a badly done film into a success for them??
Simple actually...the entire process takes up to 4-months to get an entire film ready to go out.  They find out the up coming movies.  In reality it isn't that hard to catch wind of a movie in Hollywood... How do you ask??  Easy!!!
The Hollywood Reporter!!  This beautiful fucking magazine is expensive to be subscribed to, but the cost is more of an investment than anything.  Think about it...if you make your money three or four times that...let's say your budget is under a million dollars and you use that beautiful magazine to hunt for possible blockbusters that you can turn into a copy..a clone of the up coming blockbuster. Of course the clone has similar story premise but it's nothing like the original.  Same thing in science.
Once they find the potential blockbuster, they start to write the script.  It takes anywhere from 4-6 weeks to pump one out.   Then they do the casting call of it...get the the creatures or creature...take it to the Special Effects team like in Monster Man and BOOM!!  Movie is ready to be filmed...with 12 to 15 pages a day...and in 10-days.... Movie finished.  They release it about 2-weeks previous or maybe about the same week that the blockbuster will be hitting the theaters and VIOLA!!  Instant success!!!
Granted the movies are the one on Syfy right now...AVH...Alien versus Hunter....which is a Mockbuster to AVP...Alien Versus Predator.  Granted it was based on Part 2.  The whole thing was done badly.  Yet they are on Syfy and to get a movie released on TV can earn you an easy 100 grand. 250 grand for being on Prime Station like HBO.  That is enough to go ahead and make another movie. I know if I had 100 grand I bet I can make 2 decent movies....but I would settle with 5 grand...if I can gather the funds to film my first feature film.
But watching this film..."The Asylum" crew was able to squeeze a couple of films together.  AVP2, Predator, and Tremors.  The Alien is arachnoid but a little like a centaur...and of course the Hunter looks like a cross of something.  With a fucking hat that looks like you will find in oriental cone shape hat.  Sort of a Lord Raiden hat...with a one eye thing going is a mish moss of stuff together.  But works for them.
I am not going to suggest that you create a Mockbuster, but seriously they have some sort of recipe for success going on that works for them.
They may be shelling out bad movie after bad movie, but they are doing it.  They opened in 1997, that is over 15-years of doing something. They produce 10-15 titles a year...fully financing and producing their own movies I guess something has to be working for them.

Irenia Guajardo
~Hellz Writer~

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