I had no memory how I got here, surrounded by darkness. Slowly starting to take a few steps in front of me, the sixth sense imbedded in us, that there was some sort of wall that I could not see. I could feel it. I did what any normal human being would do and started to walk forward. Eyes straining to adjust to the darkness, hoping to find some sort of light to guide my way, yet I found the feeling of hopeless misery that started to drag at my every essence.
Continuing down the long dark corridor, I wanted to place my hands against the wall that I could feel was there lurking in the darkness, but fear struck me. I didn’t want to touch it. I had no concept of time on how long I was actually walking. Though I had no idea, it felt as if I was walking for a very long time.
Finally I could see some sort of light shining from a distance. My pace quickened. Finally light. I wanted to reach this light and out of this seemingly eternal darkness. The closer I got, I started to see a shape.
It was a silhouette of a door.
My human curiosity started to get the best of me. I forgot that I was walking down a long dark corridor for what seemed like eternity. I wanted to know where that door led. As I approached it, a feeling of dread swept over me. The hairs on the back of my neck started to stand up and I could feel every ounce of myself wanting to run the other direction.
I didn’t listen to that inner voice that screamed at me to run. Instead I wanted to find out, my dying urge to see what was behind that door. Hand slowly reaching out to grab the doorknob, but then the door starts to open slowly as if it knew the desires of my heart. A soft warm light touched my face; at first it felt fantastic after all the darkness.
The door opened more and the light got hotter, till it felt as if my very flesh was on fire. I started backing away from the door. I could hear sounds of people screaming in agony and despair.
Closing my eyes, the sounds of their wailing filled my ears and it began to get louder. I back away from this once welcoming light. From the corner of my eye, I saw it. At first, I thought I was imagining it.
A figment of my imagination created out of fear.
I looked. It wasn’t created out of fear or my mind playing tricks on me. Along the now brightly lit wall were bodies of people. Crying. Horrific screams of agony. I couldn’t believe it, a wall created of living human flesh. I backed away even more down the dark hall. I could see black tendrils coming from behind ripping at their flesh. My eyes bewildered at this sight. That is all you follow these links and get yourself an e-copy. Thank you
Irenia Guajardo
~Hellz Writer~
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