"We have such sights to show you"
Thursday March 1, 2oo7
The thoughts that raced through my head as the excitement surged through out my entire body. My babysitter gave me a ride to the train station where I actually missed my train by moments. My life had felt like a scene of a movie trying to catch a train to the airport. The weather outside was frightful with rain and high winds. But my spirit was not going to be let this moment of a lifetime go. I had to get away from this shyte and I was on my way to Maryland. I was so excited to be on my way. I text Justin the entire way to the airport. I even knew I was going to miss my flight because I am just crazy that way. My basic instincts told me to get off at Jefferson train station to catch the subway to the airport, but I didn't. I went all the way to downtown Chicago and I got fucking lost. Me a City Girl got lost in Chicago. I felt so stupid for getting lost, but I was un-organized since I was with out an internet for a while. It sucked big donkey balls. Arriving at the airport I was placed on stand by so I was going to be able to get to Maryland after all.
So excited that I finally made it to the airport. Yet to find out more drama has flown through and I don't mean that in a good way. So many flights canceled and delayed or better yet re-routed. Man oh man the drama sure followed me around. Waiting around I got on my laptop and started to write a letter to a friend of mine, but didn't finished because my cellphone got really low from all the calls and text messages I was going. Luckily there was a nice gentleman with a power strip that allowed me to borrow a plug for my phone. I left my back pack in eye shot so I can get back to my laptop. I talked with a very nice young lady.
It is amazing really how people get closer in strange situations. She was on her way home and I told her I was on my way to Maryland to the Horrorfind Convention. We chuckled at little things. When she told me that several tornadoes went down a freeway close to an airport. My comment to that was they wanted to catch a flight. Which made her laugh. I was happy that I made some one smile that day despite everything in the world was going to shyte. I was amazed at the whole world that day. Every airport was in chaos and to see the weather give humanity a beating at the air travel and yet Humanity was not going to allow the weather or anything else deter them from their plans. Yes, even I wasn't going to allow the weather pull my spirits down. I had plans and the highlight was the Horrorfind Convention.
I sat down to get on my laptop with my headphones to write my friend this letter and listen to music. When two girls sat next to me. One smelled of liquor and I mean bad. She had a red wine in a plastic glass and her companion was just chatting up an annoying conversation that I can hear straight through my headphones. The smell of red wine started to really bother me. I work with the stuff at my work, I don't want to smell it before I get on the plane. So I asked her nicely to move away because her wine was bothering me. She thought it was an invite to start talking to me. She turned around and started chatting with me. Normally I am a chatting person and I can chat up with a complete stranger, but something about her just bothered me. She kept talking despite my attempts at being rude and I was trying. She was hanging on me and I was even trying to be a scary bitch by saying I was heavily medicated for psychotic behavior. Kind of like hint hint, back the fuck off. She thought it was cool. Her friend was creeped out and the person sitting behind me started laughing, knowing what I was doing. The girl I talked with earlier thought it was a laugh, as well.
I decided it was best if I sat away from her and I moved down to where my cellphone was. I looked at the time and it was close to the time of my stand by flight. So shyte I got up and went to the front. The airline attendants were rude and told me to look at the monitor to see my flight. Lil Bastards!!! So I checked the monitors and man oh man, my gate has been moved. That so sucked big donkey kong. I packed up all my shyte and raced as fast as I could down to my gate. I am so out of breathe since I was getting the shyte knocked out of me by my laptop.
Arriving at the gate all the stand by were talking about beating each other up just to get on this flight and it was one of those annoying guys in the movies that you wish was the first one to get killed by some evil monster. I was laughing to myself because the plane was huge and I know that there was going to be room for me and the others. The suspense that filled the air as they called us name by name to get on that plane. Man oh Man, I was so nervous, because a part of me knew there was going to be room, but that fear inside of me that I wasn't going to have a spot. But luck was on my side. I got on and I was so excited.
On the plane I was so worried, because of all the weather that has been going on and I was right the ride was the most turbulent ride ever. I was so worried that the plane was going to crash. Need to stop watching a horror movie the night before the plane trip. But I got air sick and I wanted the plane to land so I can kiss the ground and say I am safe.
I arrived to Baltimore Maryland Airport where Justin was waiting for me with a cute sign he made, but I was not going to jump at the chance to say hello. I wanted my luggage and was going to attack any one that touched my luggage. Yes I do have a dragon persona. And I will kill and maim anyone that touches my shit. lil bastards!! Justin finally sees me and I am now exhausted and want to get to sleep in the hotel room. Lol, but that plane ride took a lot of energy out of me.
Arriving at the hotel-Justin finds out my laptop is really mobile. LOL...who knew!!! Well I was able to set a new blast...and then it hit me. Hunger!! Man that type of hunger that only meat from a cow can satisfy. The dragon in me kicked in and I was starved. SO we ventured forth to the dark night to hunt for my food. Where we got lost. I think it is more of adventure than we were lost, but fact of the matter was we were lost. Finally we find a IHOP and it had steak. Not the kind I really wanted but I was hungry. I had ordered a Medium rare steak, but for some reason it seemed more cooked than normal. I think I am turning because I crave rarer meat than normal. Man oh man do I want to eat meat. Justin picked that up because he stayed a good distance away from me.
Now the stomach Goddess was appeased and we were on our way back to the hotel. Again we got lost, but then again we were on an adventure. We even asked for directions....what the hell does people work outside the area where they live. Need to find a job closer to your area punks so you can give directions. But we find the hotel and we crashed and burned like sleeping giants....
"We will tear your soul apart"
Friday March 2, 2007
Excitement surges through my system to know I am finally here. I get a call on my cell phone...luckily I programed my sweet Peri's number in the phone. And it was her...sweet Peri on my cell phone giving us the last minute details of the time to arrive at her home. So the agreement concluded to 3pm or so to arrive at her home. It would give them time to shop for munchies. With much excitement we both hang up the phone. So off we go to take an adventure to the world. As we start our glorious adventure through the highway of Maryland. The sun shone so bright and the air was full of warmth. And like a silly little monkey I forgot my digi camera. But thank goodness I had my cell phone because it had a GPS tracking thingy and I was so tickled pink to see us blinky on the map area.
Peri being the big sister was so concerned that we went the wrong way. Yet we were going the correct destination that the GPS had said to go. I smiled to myself knowing that here was a woman with a heart of gold or maybe even more than that. Through town we had seen the many beautiful sights. It had such a wonderful charm to this quaint little town. When we crossed the road that we need to turn down. We ventured forth down the insightful path. Wow the colors of that Gaia produced for us to see. The woods were just beautiful and for a moment my heart sang such a song to see the woods and how green it was. Yes I am a nature child. My eyes lit up like a child on Christmas day, but my present was the earth. For once I felt her beating heart calling to me. And so excited. As I was taking all the sights in...we managed to past by their house. OOOPS!!!
So we turned around and pulled in to driveway to a quaint and beautiful cute home. The outside looked as if it was from a painting. So serene and tranquil. I was so pleased to be there. As we walked up to the door I felt like I stopped in the middle ages where Kings and queens ruled. There standing side by side was Tom and Peri and from them you can feel the love that burned bright from each other. Hugging her was a wonderful experience. Just didn't want to squeeze her to tight and make a lung pop out or her squeal and it wouldn't be from excitement.
We talked in their kitchen for what seemed a few moments till we realized the time. Hours had gone by and it seemed that I had known them forever. My goodness Peri is just so pretty and her smile like the bright moon. Tom mentioned something that really that I enjoyed. Ghosts and spooks that lurked the forest behind their home. Which also gave me a wonderful idea to start writing about their woods. Naturally it is going to be a scary story {{duh!!??-giggles}} Tom had a little too much to drink and we giggled at how he made us laughed. I had a wonderful time with them. We spent the night and giggled at them like small children as we layed there. Wondering if Peri and Tom was going to spank us {{personally I wouldn't mind Peri spanking me...giggles}}
"Demon to some Angel to others"
Saturday March 3, 2007
Yet we behaved like good little ones and finally fell asleep. Just the house was so full of love and tranquility beyond measure. I know despite the certain dramas that can happen in a home. You can feel the love in the home and it was filled in from wall to wall. You knew that it had taken time to get this loved through the walls. I saw a couple of plants and my goodness even in the dead of winter they lived with such love. Peri had so much love in her heart that you could see it in her plants, her dogs and her Hubby. Ok, maybe I should have put him first but then I wouldn't hear "you lil bastard" Now a know catch phrase...you little bastard.
In the morning I woke with a slight refreshed feeling. SO I headed down the stairs to find Justin and Peri conversing and it was so cute to see them talking. So joining them I had more Chai Green Tea and man that stuff was the best. I really enjoyed talking with Peri and Justin. A while had past and Tom joined us. Again moments past so quickly that we saw it was later in the afternoon and Peri was wearing the most cutest pjs ever. Since it was Saturday and we talked about the Convention where we had to be. I asked Peri if she would like anything from the convention. Since she also loved Hellraiser I promised to get her a autographed pic of Doug Bradley. Mr. Pinhead himself.
We stopped at the store to buy munchies and through out the trip I had made fun of Justin about Avid or Robinette. Which I sort of teased by saying Raisnette. So here we are at the store getting oreos, milk, chips, dip and even stopping in the candy section to further tease Justin about Raisenette. Even though we were laughing and joking and even got him a little disgusted about eating them. He bought them. We sort of got lost on the way back, but that was nothing new. We got back to the hotel and watched Feast on my laptop and went to bed.
"No tears, please. It's a waste of good suffering"
Sunday March 4, 2007
The fact of the matter was we were there and I had to find an ATM machine. So I had to drag Justin out of the convention with enough time to spare. We were on a mission to find an ATM machine and we'll again we got lost. Should have been the title of the trip...Lost in Maryland. LOL. So off we go to hunt for the ATM and in the midst of it my blue tooth goes off scarying the crap out of me. I check the phone and it is Peri. Man for a brief moment I wished I was wearing a pull up because I was seriously thinking I pooped myself. I handed the bluetooth to Justin to get the location of an ATM. Finally we find an ATM and we both pull out money and head back to the convention.
I was so excited to see all the cast of Hellraiser.
Doug Bradley-Pinhead
Simon Bamford-Butterball Cenobite
Grace Kirby-Female Cenobite
Nicholas Vince-Chatterer Cenobite
Kenneth Cranham-Dr. Channard
Ashley Laurence-Kirsty Cotton
Andrew Robinson-Larry Cotton
Simon Bamford-Butterball Cenobite
Grace Kirby-Female Cenobite
Nicholas Vince-Chatterer Cenobite
Kenneth Cranham-Dr. Channard
Ashley Laurence-Kirsty Cotton
Andrew Robinson-Larry Cotton
So here I was getting autographs and stuff and low and behold as I walked down the stairs and who do I see...? KANE HODDER!!! Holy shyte it is Jason fucking Voorhees. Man am I excited to see Jason or better yet Kane Hodder...so here I am standing there like a little girl and I forgot all about the Hellraiser cast and my mind was so interested in Kane Hodder.
It took couple of times before I actually got his signature and stuff and even Justin took a pic of him standing there by himself. yes I had my camera but I was like frozen and couldn't use it...such a dumb ass i know but I froze...after all was said and done. I called Peri and I wanted to take her out but her heater thingy went out....but she apologized for not going to go out. LIKE HELL!! {{no pun intended}} If she couldn't go wel will bring the stuff to her. FUCK that man, I was too excited and I wanted to give her picture.
We talked for a bit and then she said she had a sandwich and if we wanted to bring food and that is fine....mmmmmmmmmm.....she was going to eat. By the Gods of old she was going to eat. So on the way back to her house...I thought of KFC....I know not original...I could have gotten a to go order from Olive Garden!! But we stopped in their town at a local oriental place....let my gut take me away. Of course I saw a bit of their town. WOW!! Peri and Tom have a wonderful town...so peaceful and quaint..till a mass murder hits the town {{evil laugh}} ok ok side tracked....sorry.
So we got the Oriental food and was off to her home to feed her....yes I know she isn't a pet, but she is my pet damn it!! No, just kidding...I think of her as more than a pet...ok if she wasn't married maybe a pet...my pets are well loved and spoiled rotten...look atmy kids..oops they aren't pets either {{evil giggles}} So we get to her house and I am so excited I had to show off my skull to her. I think I startled her a bit with it. It was pretty heavy, but Justin and Tot a bit Shakespearean on me...now that creeped me out....YIKES!! Well any who, I fed Peri like planned and I was happy and she got her picture of Doug Bradley. She is going to get a pretty frame and some blue matte for it.
I was so happy to see her again. It felt so natural to be around her. She more than her page. So much more! Tom is the same..pissy and hissy lil bastard that he is. ok so he is more funnier in person than on his page, but Peri...wow...she is so amazing. Their is this aire of elfness to her...and she is tall and thin like an elf..makes me wonder. Tom had an aire of nobility about him like the Horse King Theoden....shit...I think I am going to call him Theoden. King Theoden, besides he can re-write the story of the great king...it is all up to you. Well Tom went to work and we stayed with Peri...
"The box. You opened it. We came."
Monday March 5,2007
Till 2am and then we had to leave. I was going to take the trip back home that day and here I was alread y missing Peri and Tom before I left. Well I slept all the way back to the hotel room and a part of me didn't want to leave but I had to. ALl good things must come to an end. And I had to return to my real drama filled life. in the morning we were packed and Justin dropped me off at the airport and I easily checked in and was at my gate.
I got a bit hungry and stuff so I order McDonalds' felt like a little pig. Well I couldn't get my heart in to writing or anything..it was if I was already sad about leaving before I had actually taken off. I had called my ride to see about the ride terms. Nothing so I informed my ride I was about to be in the air..no worries.
The plane ride was smooth and the skies were clear sailing. I wish I let the tears fall from my face. Yet here I was wondering what was going on. I arrive at the Chicago O'Hare Airport and the drama hits. My ride can't make it, so I had to call my babysitter. Bleck!! I didn't want to really bother them since they were kind enough to watch the kids the entire trip. I was so mad. I almost felt like Calling Cindy {[side note--she would have picked me up...Drats!!}} So here I was trying to get the hell out of Chicago...people getting me lost and I missed my Metra train while trying to wait. So the conflama had built..{{screams}} Finally I get on the Metra and the Conductor takes pity on me and gives me accurate directions on finding the right train to..{{drum rolls}} CRYSTAL LAKE......HOLY SHYTE!
So here I finally arrive at CRYSTAL LAKE!! Where my sitter is waiting for me with his son...and we drive in to the darkness to drop me off so I can then return to gather my children and rush home to put them snuggled in to their beds. Of course I told them about my trip...How I missed their evil little faces. Ok ok so they aren't that evil...just one calorie not evil enough but they are young...a lot of growing up to do.
Let's Summarize: I had a great time in Lost in Maryland and a very bad time in my own reality..Moral of the story find an alternate reality..much better...
Ihttp://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogID=3438919998270758121renia Guajardo
~Hellz Writer~
~Hellz Writer~
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