I look at you and see so many memories of our youth
Late night slinky races on the steps during school nights
Objects with little or no meaning to others are special
With the right distance, my slinky is faster than yours
A life time of memories are wrapped in our hearts
Even at our worst of times, you were always there
We have seen each other go through out trials
At times just being the friendly ear we needed
You have been the voice of reason in my storm
Voice of goofy but silliest ideas making us laugh
Wanting to laugh when you turn so tomato mad
Silly songs in my head that don’t go away
Looking at the memories of today and yesterday
Knowing that we started fresh and clean once more
A sisterly bond that is truly magical and special
Tender laugh to bring my mood back to happiness
Sitting together sharing memories as we got older
Teasing each other about our silliest moments
Laughing at wild geese holding grudges after all
Crazy dreams of what we wanted to with our life
I hold you dear to my chest because you are special
Admiring how you have grown as a woman today
Smiling at the happiness you have truly deserved
A phoenix rising from her ashes of her former self
A beautiful book in the form of my baby sister
Knowing there is more to tell of your adventures
So many more beautiful memories to write down
My favorite is finding our way back to each other
Author's Note:
I wrote this based on my relationship with my sister...January 26th 2012.....
Irenia Guajardo
~Hellz Writer~