With the radical and bold move by Cory J. Udler to have IDS 2 {{Incest Death Squad 2}} shown for free on Horror Society’s website as his World Movie Premier on September 17th at 9pm central time. Incest Death Squad 1 & 2 was written and directed by Cory J. Udler, who in the last 2-years has made a dramatic improvement in his story telling, camera angles and taking you deeper in to gutter cinema. Cory may even tell you that he is crazy for doing a free event, yet showing the low-resolution on Horror Society Website was a brilliant idea. If you truly want a better high quality resolution, then it is best to go and buy the DVD from the official IDS website.
Even though it was a low-resolution World premier, thanks to Horror Society was able to continue the event until 12am with live chat with the cast, crew and insane creator of IDS. For those that know about IDS {{Incest Death Squad}} this story continues a month later…even though it was shot a year later. The impressive thing about Cory is how he can produce a movie on a micro budget to actual no budget. When you meet the creator of IDS, he is a very down to earth guy who can chat your ear off about his passion for movie making. Which is that passion and drive that is shown brightly in IDS 2. The greatest thing is that Greg Johnson, Carmela Wiese, Melissa Jo Murphy and Tom Lodewyck all reprise their original roles from the first movie
Here is the continuation of the tale of Aaron, Andrea, and Amber & Jeb Wayne. During that month things have been left in the air. Amber Wayne {{Carmela Wiese}} has strong feelings for Aaron {{Tom Lodewyck}} and wants to let him know about his unborn child. Aaron on the hand has found a natural taste in “skull fucking” the dead, while his stay at home fiancée Andrea {{Melissa Jo Murphy}} has taking up some extra-sexual fun with the neighbor. You find out that sweet little Andrea hasn’t told her fiancée about her bi-sexual secret, but holds strong mistrust about Aaron keeping secrets from her, especially with him holding up in his downstairs office.
The scene cutting and flow of the story was incredible especially with the choice of music that the Cory had selected. The relationship between Amber and Jeb {{Greg Johnson}} is shown at a different level then the original movie. The love the Jeb has for Amber is shown more than the constant babble of religion that was shown in the first movie. He accepts reluctantly to take her to see Aaron and head on a road trip with blood, death and incest. The way Cory moves the movie in a tighter more intense feeling was seating gripping. The script proved to be more natural with what goes on between the lives of these two separate households. Seeing as shit goes out of control, when Amber calls Aaron’s house and speaks to Andrea.
Knowing that Amber can feel remorse for something and seeing that Jeb despite the deep rooted love for his sister, losses his temper and watch his actual reaction of this road trip that he did not want to take. During the process, Aaron confesses to Andrea about the night at the barn. Which leaves Andrea fuming and informs him about hiring her criminal cousin to hunt and kill the Waynes. Unlike the first IDS, there was some distance from the audience and the characters, but watching IDS 2, there is a connection towards the Waynes. Jeb really was the Anti-hero in this movie and even though killing people in the name of God is something the average person doesn’t want happening to them. Despite him killing a hooker in a park bathroom and asking God for forgiveness for how he treated his sister really showed the deep-rooted love and loyalty he really had.
You also find out how vulnerable Amber Wayne really is with out her brother’s un-godly protection when she takes on more than she can handle after a sexy table dance and bringing two men back to her room. Amber tries to take them on and instead you see her get raped and reveal to a very concerned Jeb that she lost the seed of Aaron. In a moment of shock and awed, seeing Amber scooping out the disgusting remains of the dead one month old out of the toilet. As the Waynes head out, the douche bag cousin finds where they are and tails them. Yet with everything, the long-winded monologue of a person that should really kill instead of talking ends up being shot. Which in the middle of this Andrea slowly follows Aaron as he sneaks out of bed to go down to his office and discovers his dirty little secret. Before the video started to malfunction Aaron had agreed to meet Jeb and Amber at some plant.
Over all, this movie isn’t a high budget production deal. It is a true Independent film that represents the passion, drive and determination of a fantastic person that likes to assume he is crazy. If a person is crazy for following their dreams and going beyond the lengths to make a film that he wants to share with the world. Then yes, Cory J. Udler is insane for following his passion and dreams, especially with a free World Premier that some people complained about because it was low-resolution. Free is free and in today’s day and age, shows even on a massive free event that people are never satisfied and how wonderful a person like Cory is by offering to give this person a free copy of the movie.
The saddest thing about true local Independent Film making is that Cory has another project in the works, but lacks funding. Most movie studios would do a fundraiser by auctioning off the movie props, but the thing is after speaking with Mr. Udler, he would actually spend more money on shipping and putting the item on E-bay than he would make any money to help fund his future project. Support your local Indie Film Production companies to help Directors like Cory J. Udler continue making movies and to see him develop his talent as an upcoming movie Director.
Irenia Guajardo
~Hellz Writer~